
The Official Website of Michael "Chappie" Grice

Mr. Title I: The Amazing Gus Hawkins

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Mr. Grice met with young conferees at 2013 Annual Meeting of the National Council on Educating Black Children, in New Orleans. Each of these young men aspires to serve in some capacity of public education: teacher, principal, researcher, policy-maker... and be business-savvy. They are leaders. Trust me. The intend to honor the work of Congressman Augustus F. Hawkins, who served for a combined 56 years as a legislator, in California and in the U.S House of Representatives. When he retired, he was Chair for the House Education and Labor committee. In 2007, a documentary film: "Mr. Title I: The Amazing Gus Hawkins." was written and directed by Mr. Grice, a close friend of the Congressman. These young men are the promise Congressman Hawkins forecast. For information about "Mr. Title I: The Amazing Gus Hawkins" please, just call or write.